Making a plan

There seem to be many schools of thought at the moment with regards to marketing your business. At the extremes are those that may feel like burying their heads in the sand and those who are taking control and looking ahead to when the effects of COVID-19 have passed. This may be a slight generalisation, but doing absolutely nothing at the moment could be a risky move. Yes we are all meeting financial challenges in this time and social distancing raises a whole host of positivities and negatives, which we’ll cover in another blog. 

When life starts to get back to normal, your customers and clients will be seeking out normality from you, it’s a human nature to want balance in your life. However, you can give them that sense of normality now by simply keeping in touch. Your doors may well be closed but that doesn’t stop you from using digital channels to keep them open. The savvy businesses are already planning for when lockdown starts to relax, they keep in touch on social media, pop out an emailer, look ahead to what could and will be happening later in the year. The best part is that with a bit of planning and guidance from the right corners, this won’t cost the earth and you will see the benefits in the long run.

This is also a great time to take stock of your business marketing strategy. Look at all the opportunities day to day business life prevents you from exploring. The sector of clients you’ve always wanted to work with, the customers that may have passed by your doors in the past, the elusive contact you’ve never managed to pin down… now is the time to seize the opportunity.

We have been forced into a situation where we’ve all had to change our lives dramatically and quickly, it’s not surprising it’s unnerving but maybe you need to embrace the change.

So if you are feeling a little helpless with regards your business, we encourage you to take a breath and take control. Look to the future and make a marketing plan, it can be as big or as small as you want, it might simply be a case of getting your Instagram up to date and putting yourself out there; or it might be looking at a new website and a complete digital strategy.

The best part is, right now it costs nothing to have a conversation and make a plan, and you’ll feel better for making a plan because a plan means there is a future. 

The world as a whole has become more approachable and for us as a Creative Agency we love to talk, blimey we love to talk, as will every other creative agency out there. Pick up the phone or drop us an email. We’d love to help you make a plan.